Upcoming events for this Fall and the Holiday Season

I want to Thank You for your support of our Church during this past year and through the Covid-19 pandemic.  Let us continue to pray for those who have suffered loss. We are resuming our regular calendar and visitation.

As we Honor and Thank God for all our Members, Family, Extended Family and Friends of our Church, we look forward to these extraordinary events planned for this Fall and the Holiday Season and our life together in Christ Jesus.

Wishing You and Yours a Blessed Holiday Season!

Most Cordially,

Pastor Wayne                                                                


THU. NOV 4, Stability and Energetic Movement Seminar with Mark Reinhart 6:00 PM Fellowship Hall (Please wear comfortable clothes.)  Everyone welcome!

SAT. NOV 6, FALL FESTIVAL 10 AM to 2 PM (Fellowship Hall)

FRI. DEC. 3, LENOXVILLE COMMUNITY BAND HOLIDAY CONCERT AND HANGING OF THE GREENS  5:30 PM Dinner and Hanging of the Greens, Concert to Follow at 6:30 PM

SAT. DEC. 11, COMMUNITY CAROL SING AT THE CHURCH 6:30 PM A night of music where we all participate in celebrating the reason and the season!

MON. DEC. 13, Women’s Christmas Party, Dinner at 5:30 PM, Please arrive by 5:15 PM.  Please call to make reservations by Dec. 3rd by phoning the Church Office at 570-282-4611.

SUN. DEC 19, PRESBYBOP JAZZ HOLIDAY CONCERT with the Presbybop Holiday Quintet 6:30 PM


Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 with Sunday School at 9:15


Your Church supports Missions here at Home and around the World, and every month we have a special report which outlines that support which covers a broad array of worthy mission work.  We can all feel great knowing that we are making a difference here at Home and around the World!  Some of the Missions we support include:

* The Salvation Army

* The American Red Cross

* Orbis

* Keystone Mission, Scranton

* Luke Bert’s Mission in Quebec

* Cottage Hose Company

* World Vision: Clothes/Shoes for Children Worldwide

* Emergency Food for African Children

* School supplies for Children in the United States

Please enjoy our services when you cannot come in person via Facebook!